Kraus & Phillips, PLLC

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When is a Guardianship the Right Choice?

At some point in most people’s lives, they can no longer make effective decisions for themselves. Although for some people that point in time is obvious, for most people it is not. Instead, there is a gray area where your loved one is making some effective decisions and some ineffective ones. While it’s understandable to be hesitant about taking over your loved one’s decision making, there may be a time where it’s the right thing to do even if they do not like it. How do you know when it’s that time?

Unfortunately, there is not a simple black and white answer to the question. For some situations, stepping in quickly may literally be a life saver. However, in some situations stepping in quickly results in anger and alienation that leads to more trouble than necessary. Also, stepping in too soon may result in a “boy who cried wolf” scenario where when the time actually comes, nobody wants to help.

There is an equal risk in waiting too late to help. Delaying can result in your loved one harming their well being past the point of repair. Many times the worst decisions made are financial ones. People give their money to “friends” who they do not realize are taking advantage of them. Sometimes they go so far as to sell their possessions, even their homes, to fund their poor choices. Once that money is gone, it cannot be recovered.

Medical decisions are just as dangerous to the well being of your loved one. Changing or eliminating medications, failing to seek help for chronic problems and emergencies, or just ignoring their health entirely can result in devastating consequences for your loved one. It could literally kill them.

Knowing whether or not to step in, and when, is a decision that you should not take lightly. Unless you are sure of yourself, it is also not one that you should make alone. If you believe that the time may be right to pursue a guardianship for a loved one, contact us to set up an appointment. We’ll sit down with you and help you determine whether a guardianship is the answer. If it is the best option, we’ll walk you through the process. If it is not, we’ll help you to determine the best course of action